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Environment Degration: SAVE THE RAINFOREST
Major Causes:



Underlying Causes

Quick Facts

The Future


Works Cited

Things One Can Do To Protect The Rainforest

- Worldwide boycotting is considered to be the most effective way of stopping rainforest destruction.

- By boycotting fast food restaurants that serve hamburgers that came from cattle farmers from the rainforest land could be beneficial in preventing matters from getting worse.

- Tourism aids in protecting the rainforest because when people see the disasters that occur from logging and agriculture they reflect and take action. According to Guatemala’s Minister of Culture, “ecotourism traffic has kept away poachers, illegal wood harvesters and burners, and drug-runners with secret air strips in the north jungle.”

- Spreading the word of helping the environment and the providing information about dangers that can arise from the destruction of the rainforest will help.

- For a fee of $45, one can adopt and protect an acre of the rainforest. The fee cost willc contribute funds to land acquisition, legal fees, and security costs to ensure that acre will be protected.

- Recycle everything!

For more ways in saving the rainforest and the environment visit: